the road

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No New Posts Beginnings

This board contains all of the knowledge about the world of Apocryphals. It holds everything you need to know and must read. Familiarize yourself with our codes and laws, and memorize some of them if you have to. Here, you may find our rules, plots and our friends. Make sure you read the rules before joining.

6 12 02. Plot
by Moony
Jul 18, 2010 17:15:23 GMT -5
No New Posts Town Bulletin

The town bulletin holds all of the important updates, events, announcements and news. It's the staff's responsibility to update you on anything new, and we will do our jobs. Check here for any discussions, or voting and be a part of the community. This board also includes comments and suggestions, so feel free to give any pointers here. Activity checks are located here, so don't forget about those. All in character and out of character news and updates are located here, so members are free to post and guests are welcome too. The town bulletin is a friendly place, so anything can be shared here, important or not.

Sub-board: The All-Formal Staff Boogie

7 64 ♣ The Hedge Maze♣ mini plot
by Moony
Jul 16, 2011 20:19:42 GMT -5
No New Posts A New Generation

After you have read the rules, and agree to accept them, you can create an account and make your own character to join our world. Use the form provided to complete your registration for your character, and when you are done have one of our trusty admins check it. They will point out any mistakes and will kindly ask you to fix them.

3 4 amori fleuret [done]
by Moony
Jul 4, 2011 18:58:52 GMT -5
No New Posts Character Index

When your character has been accepted by an admin, they will move it here, into the character index. They will be stored here, and open for any changes you would like to make. You may add any details you forgot, or didn't have time to add and they will remain open. If you disappear from this site, your character bios will be put in the archives, so in case you return, all you would need to do is rejoin and you would get your characters back.

9 21 Riley Pereno
by Moony
Jul 23, 2010 16:15:53 GMT -5
No New Posts Your Diary--er Journal

Your journal is the place where you record all of your characters. But that's only if you need the space. We allow one thread per member and in that thread you can list all of the characters you play. Please don't reply to other's threads. This is their storage and this isn't the place to chat. You may copy your bio and put it in the thread, or you may just list your characters. You can make your journal anyway you want, after all, it is yours.

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No New Posts Character Loves

This board contains all of your character's needs, which includes best friends, enemies, lovers, mini-plots and more. You can discuss with your friends any mini-plots, ask someone to be a lover for one of your characters and of course you can find enemies. This is where you can find practically everything for your character.

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No New Posts Aeropolis

The central, capital city of Aerie shines from the windows placed high everywhere along the glassy buildings and to the rows of lanterns at night. People you don't know make a blurry image, surrounded with the daily noise, all going somewhere else.
Many jobs are occupied among those great buildings; or maybe it's a home, if a tad too tight. Compared to other boisterous cities, Aeropolis is known for its newer construction, clean walks, its small size, but as the most xenophobic area in all of Aerie.

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No New Posts Council Hall

Located in the capital city of Aeropolis, this building serves as a meeting place of the Council, a government building, where everything related to the government of Aerie takes place. The building is a dome, with painted stars in the ceilings and oatmeal colored columns outside and fancy, sculptured hedges. And it's not just for the council, but many open speeches are presented here and so are votings.

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No New Posts Studio Oceanie

Quiet a few number of cars driving through the narrow, threadlike alley are the ones that does not park; but to drive in, glance (maybe with an awe), and drive out. But we can all see the reason just by the look of those houses. Ornamental, curled balconies, each graced with a good chunk antique figures, make a private stage for those inside the wealthy, peaceful condos. Climbing ivies camouflage a humble amount of stone walls and stop at the edge of the petite neighborhood for the calm ocean to take your breath. Studio Oceanie, is the home to the luxury, quiet life--a well choice, only if you can afford it!

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No New Posts District 00

On the outskirts of the city, shadowed by all the smog and the fog from the sea, District 00 is well secluded and hidden. It’s named “District 00” because it is the only district in Aerie—much like the number “0”, having nothing at all. The cracked city roads are very narrow and the gray-scaled, graffiti buildings push you down, blocking what’s left of the smog-filled sky.
The district is poverty-stricken, where most of the crimes hit, where most of Aerie’s factories are located, and where most people do not know of its existence. It’s like District 00 doesn’t even exist at all; if you look at any tourist’s map, you will that the area is not labeled at all.

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No New Posts Airport

Hello, welcome! Or goodbye; see you soon!
Whether you are coming in or coming out, the airport will always greet you. A building of a fairly modest size, it does the job well. Friendly officers opens the door to a destination, doing their best to accommodate you. But planes aren't the only ones situating the airport; we have a collection of delicious stores, if a little expensive but--Oh! Find that special book, a cup of coffee, and don't miss your flight!

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apple town

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No New Posts Feather Alley

Colorful, antique looking shops are set in Feather Alley, a full-market street, close to as a city Apple Town gets. Imagine a feather or a leaf, the quill or the stem through the leaf is the street, and along the quill, the hairs of the feather sprout out or the tinier veins are the buildings. The Lewarver Library is located here, on the tip of the feather, and many colorful shops dot the partings. The shops you find here aren’t like McDonalds, but these are home-styled, local shops. Such as the bakery, or the farmer’s market, the flower shop--and many other cute shops!

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No New Posts Bayfield Schools

The Bayfield Schools house students in grades from k-12. Five buildings sit neatly inside the Tonan River. Each inch of the wall created neatly and petite, holds students in uniforms, looking at the board. This school is among the higher standard of schools, and gets funded every year by rich parents. Uniforms are seen among the students, with blue skirts/pants, white t-shirts with tan jackets over them, classic Bayfield colors. A playground in the back, white boards, black lab tables and a bus lot and car lot can be seen when driving by. Cars of all sorts of shapes and sizes are scattered among the lot by high schoolers, and buses are seen at the beginning of the day, dropping the students off, and at the end, picking them up. The buses take the students all across town, and some even go into the city.

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No New Posts Ollayle Estate

A small neighborhood can be seen, sitting on the east side of Apple Town. Small houses line the roads, with sharply trimmed grass in the front, a tree here and there, and bright beautiful flowers in almost every front porch. Kids can be seen from square windows and on the road, with lemonade stands in the summer and hot chocolate stands in the winter. Squirrels dart up trees in the large backyards of the houses and a dog barking can always be heard somewhere among the houses. A playground sits off to the side with little kids running around, laughing. And across the playground is a large pool, only open during the summer.

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No New Posts Ellayton Estate

The Ellayton Estate is located across the Tonan River, separating itself from Ollayle Estate. Only the rich are housed here, for they are the only ones who can afford it. These houses are giant, enourmous even, and beautifully designed. Large windows and intricate designed columns can be seen on the outside, as well as beautiful flowers, tall trees and expensive cars. A pool and a playground are located near the heart of the estate, and children can be seen around, playing with each other.

1 1 whee
by Moony
Mar 24, 2010 19:25:08 GMT -5
No New Posts Lewarver Library

A beautiful library stands in the middle of Vichen Alley and that is the Lewarver Library. It's origins are unknown, but it's amount of books is pratically unlimited. Large windows in the front let sunshine fall upon customers and the books, giving a serene feeling to the bookstore. Large plants can be seen in corners of the store and a small waterfall is in the back. At the front sits a little man, waiting to check you out. He is the owner of the bookstore, well he has been for the past 30 years. The Lewarver Library has three floors of books, allowing you to choose the one you want. With a smile and a handshake, the little man gives you your books and you are on your way out.

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No New Posts Tonan River

Swift currents pound on the thousands of rocks, big and small, that line this dangerous river. Tall grass borders the river, scratching legs that venture too close to it. A warning. Don't go beyond the safe perimeter or you too might fall in like the many that already have. Animals dart here and there, while tall, broad trees follow the curve of the twisting menace. It is fairly wide, some parts are over mile away while other parts are half that size. At what place will you try to undertake the river? The wide, immeasurably deep parts that hide thousands of species under their flowing blankets of the deepest and most fascinating blue or the narrow, shallow and rapid parts that attract bears and clumsy persons, waiting to take another life?

Other areas of the river run through town, slowing down to a fast crawl. It seems almost like the river has agreed to dwell with humans in the town but that's where the niceness stops. Don't expect any mercy from the continually crashing body of water out of town.

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northern mystics

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No New Posts The Mansion

Located on the most northern point of Aerie, the mansion is hidden by the forest. It’s actually a beautiful Victorian house, derived from many sources of architecture, is shaded by the climbing ivies along its side and some shattered windows. The pointed, swirled plum roofs of the mansion gives you a feeling that you’re in a fairytale.
It's locked, but the cracks, crevices, and holes are vivid. Inside, it gives an ominous, ancient feeling. . .

Not so far behind the Mansion, there is a cliff that looks at the most northern point end of Aerie. On usual days, the winds go right through you, making it hard to fall. The sight is stunning... if you just don't look at the crashing ocean below that would love to eat you up.

3 3 01. Red Map
by Moony
Jul 16, 2011 20:15:59 GMT -5
No New Posts Melswood Forest

Large oaks and pines cover this vast area of land, creating the Melswood Forest, a place of beauty and sereneness. Sweet syrup falls from trees onto the floor, with a drip drip. A small chocolate ribbon of a path curves in between the trees, guiding visitors among the never ending vastness of the forest. Large maple trees stand among the oaks and pines and all sorts of other trees stand in the areas left. Below all of the largeness, something tiny takes up the are on the ground. Ferns, bushes, weeds, and thorns cover the earth with a thick layer all around. The sunlight tries to break through the canopies of leaves, casting shadows here and there, a kaleidoscope of light and shadow.

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No New Posts Navajo Lake

Navajo Lake was found in the middle of Melswood Forest. It's surface reflects the light of the sun, making the air around it dance with colors. Waves can be seen, swimming across the lake's smooth surface, giving the look to the lake as if it was moving. Birds can be heard from the surrounding forest, along with woodpeckers, chattering squirrels, all sorts of animals big and small, and the quiet talk of people on the shore. The fish are plentiful here, and the view draws people from all over the town and city. Some trails lead straight through the forest to the lake, while others curve, twist, and turn through the forest before finally reaching the lake.

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No New Posts Syrup Farms

The soil that you’re standing on happens to be one of the most fertile soils in Aerie, perfect for farming. It’s hard to see it from here, but if you were to see Syrup Farms in an aerial view, the farming fields are organized neatly in squares, each filled with crops or livestock. Back on human feet, because of the land is so flat, you can see over the fields to Aeropolis, the forest, and the mountains across the Syrup River that circles this field. There are many decorated windmills in this area and they don’t serve just for energy—but they’re actually houses!

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No New Posts Durango Mountain Resort

Durango Mountain Resort towers over Aerie like a giant majestic castle. Its tops touch the sky and looking up from the floor of the mountain range, they only thing that eyes can make out is a heavily dense mist. Large, wooden cabins are clustered in small groups, forming their own private communities, but as the traveling individual makes his way up, the number of cabins diminishes in size until only a few are scattered every occasional mile. Perfect for skiing, snowboarding and the lot, many tourists are attracted to this place for one rarely gets to enjoy beauty, wilderness, and the rush of peril all in one. Most of the range is dedicated to animals and hiking. Instead of taking the place for themselves, people feel the need to leave the vast unknown wild to itself.

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No New Posts Lucid Cave

On one of the highest point of the Durango Mountains, Lucid Cave is located in the middle of the snowstorms and the fog. Lucid Cave is a shelter from the coldest degree in Aerie.
Lucid Cave, if you looked from the entrance, looks very small and claustrophobic, but as more as you walk through, the bigger it gets. Like a hidden gem, crystals and lapis make up the cave, and in the early days, people would use to mine here. But, now, mining is banned because while mining, they found a supply of hallucinogenic gas and saw things what they wanted to see.

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southern oceanfront

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No New Posts Melon Beach

If you sit and listen, you can hear the sounds of the seagulls along with the childrens' giggles, and the sparkling, aquamarine waves dapple the shore, before you taste the salty breeze and feel the cooling touch of the ocean with just the right amount of heat on your shoulders. If you squint against the sun and look beyond the dappling waves and the seashells you just found, you can see the deeper, darker blue waves crashing within each other, colored by the sea and the coral reef below its salty touch.

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No New Posts Vallecito Lake

In the middle of the Rilswood Forest, sits a beautiful lake. Twice the size of the Navajo Lake, people go boating here all the time. Vallecito Lake is the most beautiful thing in the darkness. It's surface shimmers as the moonlight carefully settles on the rolling waves.

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No New Posts Glassy Oceanfront

As you make your way, tip-toed, avoiding the glass shards, a metal clunk, an almost unrecognizable turbine, you will stop halt at a ship. The plane, or remnants of what it used to be, is sunk in the sands almost half way, its red paint peeling, the other side a fragile, corroded metal. The ocean has taken parts of the ship… or was it the other way around that the ocean brought the ship to the shore? You will never know the legend behind it, the lost captain, the lost crew from many decades ago, but you only know that it has not been removed for the sake of the tourists and the sake of the birds who sit atop of the plane. Or otherwise, this beach may have been useless, where people used to throw away trash, where you cannot swim due to the harsh tides and its dangerous waves and the sharp jagged rocks that peek above the surface of the water.

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No New Posts Rilswood Forest

As the sun shines through the forest, it lights like a Christmas tree; large green leaves quickly covering the top, barely revealing the skies, when down beneath the dark brown trunks mount, warm and inviting. Though on the outside, it is nothing more than dapples of green, and barely the rich brown. It is only when you're inside that you see the beauty that the forest holds.

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No New Posts Laugh-a-Titus

Laugh-a-titus here we come! Here is all fun and games and spam. Have fun with others! Polls, games, all located here! Start your own little club, have a discussion, and just plain enjoy yourself!!

7 103 Start a rumor about the person _ABOVE YOU_
by blue
Sept 11, 2010 23:12:32 GMT -5
No New Posts archives

Locked and stored~

4 9 02. Your Mission (Plot)
by Moony
Feb 18, 2010 14:30:49 GMT -5
No New Posts Affies and Ads

Advertise your site here for the first time or ask us to become affiliates!

Sub-boards: Fresh Ads, Ads Coming Back

Dec 27, 2009 1:12:30 GMT -5


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